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  • info.sakhareinvestments@gmail.com
  • Women Play Multiple Roles and Hence Deserve Financial Independence

    It is said that women are the real architects of society. They play different roles like Mother, Wife, Daughter, Sister effortlessly apart from managing their day to day work. Hence they deserve to be financially empowered at different stages of their life.

    The first step towards empowering them financially is to invest for them. This will not only help them choose their dream career during the stage of higher education but also secure them from financial distress if something unfortunate happens to the parent.

    Secondly it is very important for every young women to invest money to create a secure future for themselves. Planning and saving for retirement is also an important part of this stage as early planning can help a woman to retire comfortably with a huge corpus thus eliminating the need for depending on others after retirement.

    The third step is to educate every married young man to nominate their wife for all investments as well as inform them about it. Today crores of rupees are lying unclaimed in funds of insurance policies and other investments because many who made such investments never informed about it to their spouses.

    Join us in our mission to educate women and making them self-dependent financially. A financially self-dependent woman creates a strong family and society.

    Happy Women's Day!