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  • info.sakhareinvestments@gmail.com
  • Sakhare Investment

    Sakhare Investment

    Mr Shailendra K. Sakhare & Mrs Vijayashree S. Sakhare are certified Insurance and Savings Consultant with India’s leading Insurance providing company LIC. A member of MDRT (Million dollar round table) one the most premier associations for insurance consultants across the globe, they are also a chairman club member.  With so many feathers in their cap they firmly believes that a successful financial Consultant is one who understands the needs of their clients as like every person is unique so are their needs and goals. 

    Sakhare Investments was established in 2003, it is known for financial Planning & risk management through Life Insurance, Mutual Funds, Mediclaim, Health Insurance. They provide customized financial services, solutions and security with a penchant for analysing financial needs, security, returns, liquidity and tax benefit. An interaction with the team will do wonders for your fortune. This is what makes them stand out from the rest. Through their path – breaking process, seamless team work and flawless execution they have laid the foundation for prosperity and financial freedom for their clients. This has resulted in a customer base of 8,321+ members.

    Why choose us as your financial Consultant?

    ♦ Sound Industry Knowledge

    ♦ Varied range of Products

    ♦ Flexibility

    ♦ Regular review of your Financial Products & Needs

    ♦ 24/7 on time Service

    Our Commitment to you is that we will build a portfolio for you where you will not have to worry about anything related to finance in future.


    Major Milestones

    MDRT in 2013, 2021 – Million Dollar Round Table Conference, Highest recognition in Insurance Domain

    Servicing more than 10,000 policies throughout India and Abroad

    Done financial planning for more than 3500 + families till date

    Regular Students of IOE – Institute of Excellence.

    Regular Financial training from Mr. Ranjan Nagarkatte

    Addressed more than 5,000 Corporate individuals for Financial planning.

    Conducting Group meetings and seminars on Financial planning in +20 cities throughout India.


    Meet Shailendra K Sakhare

    The man whose keen foresight, strong business acumen and the unmatched ability to make it big in the challenging world of insurance took flight in 2003.

    In his words, “My Mission is to make my clients understand the actual cost of all his investment decisions in the event of any change in life circumstances.”

    Aggressively progressive that he is, Shailendra believed in the need-based-selling concept and was determined in doing away with the misconception of insurance as merely another investment avenue. He gave much emphasis on assessing the growing financial requirements of individuals and accordingly suggested policies that suited their future needs - an aspect that not many gave a thought to then. Such professional approach, his keen foresight coupled with word- of-mouth publicity helped him get referrals in volumes.

    Delivering Financial Awareness lectures to more than 500+ corporate offices, 100+ industrial institutions, and groups from various sectors Mr. Shailendra is a well renowned person in corporate sector.

    Also have a speciality in Mediclaim, Health Insurance, and Mutual Funds to enhance clients to seek various avenues for Finance Management.


    Meet Vijayashree S Sakhare

    From young age she was keen into Acting and Drama, where she was conferred the award of Lead Actress as a from Rajya Natya Spardha. She has performed in various iconic stage plays as Bhakwan, Karan, Shipan and many more in lead roles. She had her debut on Television with serial Damini, regularly gave her voice to Aakash Vani for Nabho Natya. From a rich and prospering background of acting she moved to Life Insurance field due to her selfless love towards community.

    Started in 2005, her warm caring approach and nature gained enormous trust to build a family of more than 5000+ members.

    Here also she received many awards and allocates for Spreading Insurance Awareness through LIC. With support of her husband and clients she achieved her Million Dollar Round Table Conference in year 2013 and 2021. Delivering lectures and Seminars to various institutions to being a Life Coach member on Mumbai Police Training Centre she has gained appreciation for delivering 1000+ lectures on various occasions.