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  • info.sakhareinvestments@gmail.com
  • Sakhare Investment

    Sakhare Investment

    Mr Shailendra K. Sakhare & Mrs Vijayashree S. Sakhare are certified Insurance and Savings Consultant with India’s leading Insurance providing company LIC.

    Our Strength



    Top 5 reasons why women need life insurance in 2025

    Here are the top five reasons why women need term life insurance in 2025.

    Income from asset transferred to even your daughter-in-law will be clubbed to your income and will be taxable in your hand in this case, says income tax dept

    The Income Tax Department has recently released a new brochure highlighting how clubbing of income provisions is applicable for individual taxpayers.

    Greeting Of The Day

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    Mr Cheerag K Cama  (Sound Engineer)

    Mr Cheerag K Cama (Sound Engineer)

    I met Mr. Sakhare for the first time in Oct 2006. At that time, I had no idea about investments

    and savings. He along with his wife Mrs. Sakhare advised me on how to plan for my children's future and chalk out my own financial goals. And that is how our journey with the Sakhares and LIC began. Today, 16 years later, he is still with us as our advisor. And he and his wife have stood by us, always ready to help us and guide us in all matters relating to investments, insurance and finance in general. Even when I had trouble with policies sold to me by other agents, the Sakhare Team were always there to guide me and help me whenever I called on them. I thank them for all the help and advice they have extended to me and my family and look forward to many more years of friendship and association.

    Mr. Ramesh P Chari  (Manager, Varun Shipping Company)

    Mr. Ramesh P Chari (Manager, Varun Shipping Company)

    Mr & Mrs Sakhare are excellent Financial Consultants. They have guided me and have explained in detail on the importance of buying life insurance policies. Their meticulous planning and execution has impressed me the most. I have purchased several policies from them and I am very happy with their services. They have always helped and guided me at time of financial difficulties.


    Every Woman Deserves Financial Freedom

    Every Woman Deserves Financial Freedom

    Financial Planning   2023-03-08   Sakhare Investment Blog
    Major Highlights of Budget 2023

    Major Highlights of Budget 2023

    Budget   2023-02-01   Sakhare Investment Blog
    Valuable Financial Lessons from the Festival of Diwali!

    Valuable Financial Lessons from the Festival of Diwali!

    Financial Planning   2022-10-21   Sakhare Investment Blog