• 9076052181 9076096814
  • info.sakhareinvestments@gmail.com
  • LIC’s Smart Pension is a Non-Par, Non-Linked, Individual/ Group, Savings, Immediate Annuity plan that offers a range of annuity options for Single Life as well as Joint Life type of annuities.

    Immediate Annuity Plan with Single Premium

    Annuity will start immediately as per the Anuity Mode chosen on payment of minimum of Rs. 1Lac.

    A diverse range of annuity choices to suit your requirements

    A wide range of Annuity Options. You can choose any of it to match your need.


    Minimum entry age 18 years
    Flexibility to Choice from Single Life and Joint Life Annuity Options

    Eligibility Criteria

    Age at Entry with respect to Annuity Options

    Annuity OptionsMinimum AgeMaximum Age
    E1 & E21865
    E3, E4 & E51870
    A, B1, B2, B3, B4, C1, C2, D, G1, G2, H1, H2, I1, I2, J1885

    Minimum Purchase Price: Rs. 1,00,000

    Maximum Purchase Price: No Limit

    Minimum Annuity:

    Annuity ModeMonthlyQuarterlyHalf-YearlyYearly
    Annuity Options10003000600012000

    Maximum Annuity: No Limit

    Mode of Premium: Single

    Annuity Options for Singel Life

    Option ALife annuity
    Option B1Annuity Certain for 5 years and life thereafter
    Option B2Annuity Certain for 10 years and life thereafter
    Option B3Annuity Certain for 15 years and life thereafter
    Option B4Annuity Certain for 20 years and life thereafter
    Option C1Life Annuity increasing at a simple rate of 3% p.a.
    Option C2Life Annuity increasing at a simple rate of 6% p.a.
    Option DLife annuity with Return of Balance Pur- chase Price
    Option E1Life annuity with 50% Return of Pur- chase Price after attaining age 75 years
    Option E2Life annuity with 100% Return of Pur- chase Price after attaining age 75 years
    Option E3Life annuity with 50% Return of Pur- chase Price after attaining age 80 years
    Option E4Life annuity with 100% Return of Pur- chase Price after attaining age 80 years
    Option E5Life annuity with 5% Return of Purchase Price each year after attaining age 76 years to 95 years
    Option FLife annuity with Return of Purchase Price

    Annuity Options for Joint Life

    Option G1Joint Life annuity with a provision of 50% of annuity to Secondary Annuitant on death of the Primary Annuitant
    Option G2Joint Life annuity with a provision of 100% of annuity to Secondary Annui- tant on death of the Primary Annuitant
    Option H1Joint Life annuity increasing at a simple rate of 3% p.a. with a provision of 50% of annuity to Secondary Annuitant on death of the Primary Annuitant
    Option H2Joint Life annuity increasing at a simple rate of 6% p.a. with a provision of 50% of annuity to Secondary Annuitant on death of the Primary Annuitant
    Option I1Joint Life annuity increasing at a simple rate of 3% p.a. with a provision of 100% of annuity to Secondary Annuitant on death of the Primary Annuitant
    Option I2Joint Life annuity increasing at a simple rate of 6% p.a. with a provision of 100% of annuity to Secondary Annuitant on death of the Primary Annuitant
    Option JJoint Life annuity with a provision of 100% of the annuity payable as long as one of the Annuitant survives and Re- turn of Purchase Price on death of Last Survivor

    Surrender Value
    The policy can be surrendered at any time during the policy term subject to realization of the premium cheque under the Annuity Options – D, E1, E2, E3, E4, E5, F and J only.

    If the chosen annuity option is other than specified above, surrender of policy shall not be allowed.

    Loan shall be available under the Annuity Options – E1, E2, E3, E4, E5, F and J only. Under joint life annuity option, the loan can be availed by the Primary Annuitant and in case of death of Primary Annuitant the same can be availed by the Secondary Annuitant.

    Loan facility shall be available at any time after three months from the completion of policy (i.e. 3 months from the date of issuance of policy) or after expiry of the free-look period, whichever is later, subject to terms and conditions as the Corporation may specify from time to time.

    Death Benefit
    Under the annuity options where the benefit is payable on death i.e. Annuity Options-D, E1, E2, E3, E4, E5, F and J.

    The Annuitant(s) will have to choose one of the following options for the payment of the death benefit, if any, to the nominee(s).

    Lumpsum Death Benefit: Under this option the death benefit, if any, shall be payable to the nominee(s) in lumpsum.

    Annuitisation of Death Benefit: The annuity amount payable to the nominee(s) on the admission of death claim shall be based on the age of nominee(s) and immediate annuity rates prevailing as on the date of death of Annuitant (last survivor in case of Joint Life Annuity).  However, the annuity payments for each nominee(s) shall be subject to the eligibility conditions of the annuity plan available at that time and then prevailing Regulatory provisions on the minimum limits for annuities.

    In Installment: Under this option the benefit amount payable on death in installments as per the chosen period of 5 or 10 or 15 years instead of lumpsum amount. This option can be exercised for full or part of the Death Benefit payable under the policy.