• 9076052181 9076096814
  • info.sakhareinvestments@gmail.com
  • It is a Non-Par, Non-Linked, Individual, Savings, Whole Life Insurance plan. It is a Limited Premium plan with Guaranteed Additions throughout Premium Paying Term

    Guaranteed Income Benefit for Lifetime

    Guaranteed income equal to 10% of Sum Assured will be received as per the option selected. Income will start after the deferement period.

    Lifetime Riskcover

    This product offers LifeTime Riskcover, in the Deferement Period as well as in the Income Period.

    Option to choose Sum Assured

    Flexibility to select Sum Assured as per choice
    Option 1 (Regular Income Benefit)
    Option 2 (Flexi Income Benefit)

    Option to select Premium Payment Term

    Flexibility to select Premium Payment Term from 5 years to 16 years


    Guaranteed Income starts from 18 years age
    Guaranteed Additions throughout Premium Paying Term
    Option to withdraw the deferred income

    Eligibility  Criteria

    Age at Entry30 Days (completed)65 Years
    Premium Paying Term5 yrs16 yrs
    Sum Assured5 LakhsNo Limit

    Premium Modes
    Yearly, Half-Yearly, Quarterly and Monthly (NACH only) or through salary deductions (SSS).

    Riders Available

    LIC’s Accidental Death & Disability Benefit Rider

    LIC’s Accident Benefit Rider

    LIC’s New Term Assurance Rider

    LIC’s Premium Waiver Benefit Rider                


    Deferment Period (from the end of the Premium Paying Term till the Income starts)

    PPTIncome Start Year
    5 yrs to 8 yrs11th Policy Year
    9 yrs12th Policy Year
    10 yrs13th Policy Year
    11 yrs14th Policy Year
    12 yrs15th Policy Year
    13 yrs16th Policy Year
    14 yrs17th Policy Year
    15 yrs18th Policy Year
    16 yrs19th Policy Year

    Death Benefit

    On death of the Life Assured during the Policy Term, Sum Assured on Death alongwith accrued Guaranteed Additions, where “Sum Assured on Death” is defined as higher of 125% of Basic Sum Assured or 7 times of annualised premium.

     This Death Benefit (as defined above) shall not be less than 105% of total premiums paid upto the date of death. Where,
    1. “Annualized Premium” shall be the premium amount payable in a year, excluding the taxes, rider premiums, underwriting extra premiums and loadings for modal premiums.

    2. “Total Premiums Paid” means total of all the premiums paid under the base product, excluding any extra premium, and taxes, if collected explicitly.


    Survival Benefit

    Survival Benefit in form of Regular Income Benefit or Flexi Income Benefit as per the option chosen shall be as under:

    Option I - Regular Income Benefit:

    On survival of Life Assured, Regular Income Benefit equal to 10% of Basic Sum Assured shall be payable at the end of each policy year starting from the year as specified in Table 1 below, provided all due premium have been paid.

    Option II - Flexi Income Benefit:

    On survival of Life Assured, the policyholder shall be eligible for Flexi Income Benefit equal to 10% of Basic Sum Assured at the end of each policy year starting. Policyholder on written request can withdraw once in a policy year, a maximum of 75% of balance accumulated Flexi Income Benefit(s) including interest, i


    Guaranteed Additions
    Under an inforce policy, the Guaranteed Additions shall accrue at the rate of Rs. 40 per thousand Basic Sum Assured at the end of each policy year during the Premium Paying Term. There shall be no further accrual of Guaranteed Additions after Premium Paying Term.


    Maturity Benefit

    Maturity Benefit is not available under this plan.


    Loan Facility is available after completion of first policy year provided one full year’s premium has been paid.


    Option to Surrender the Policy

    The policy can be surrendered by the policyholder after completion of first policy year provided atleast one full year’s premium(s) has been paid. However, the policy shall acquire Guaranteed Surrender Value on payment of atleast two full years’ premiums and Special Surrender Value after completion of first policy year provided one full year’s premium(s) has been paid. On surrender of an in-force or paid-up policy, the Corporation shall pay the surrender value equal to higher of Guaranteed Surrender Value and Special Surrender Value.