• 9076052181 9076096814
  • info.sakhareinvestments@gmail.com
  • It is a Single Premum Payment Unit Linked Insurance Plan that is linked to the share market. It is a combination of Insurance and Investment. It offers different investment options. This plan can be taken for minimum 10 years and maximum for 25 years. Partial withdrawal is possible from 6th year onwards. This plan comes with DAB Rider.

    Different Investment Options

    Get the flexibility of investment by exercising desired investment option from various available options. Freedom to choose investment plan according to your risk appetizer.

    Combination of Investment and Insurance

    This plan offers benefits of both - Investment and Insurance. Having flexibility to choose your investment style offers keeps your money in safe hands upto desired extent.

    Unlimited Switching Facility

    Switch between different investment options is easy and unlimited in this plan. Secure your money according to market conditions. Also, enjoy four switches free for every policy year.


    Avail Tax benefit on premium paid
    Tax Free Maturity Amount
    Tension Free Claim Settlement

    Eligibility Criteria:


    Option 1

    Option 2

    Basic Sum Assured

    1.25 times SP

    10 times SP

    Minimum Age at Entry

    90 days

    90 days

    Maximum Age at Entry

    70 years

    35 years

    Policy Term

    10 to 25 years

    Varies as per age at entry:

    Age at entry  Term

    up to 25 years  10 to 25 years

    26 to 30 years  10 to 20 years

    31 to 35 years  10 years

    Minimum Maturity  Age

    18 years

    18 years

    Maximum Maturity  Age

    85 years

    50 years

    Minimum Premium

    Rs 1,25,000

    Rs 1,25,000

    Maximum Premium

    No Limit

    No Limit

    For Linked Accident Benefit Rider:

    • Minimum Entry Age :18 years completed
    • Maximum Entry Age :65 years nearest birthday
    • Maximum Maturity Age : 70 years nearest birthday
    • Minimum Accident Benefit Sum Assured :Rs 10,000
    • Maximum Accident Benefit Sum Assured :Equal to Basic Sum Assured subject to the maximum aggregate limit of Accident Benefit Sum Assured as Rs.100 lakhs of Accident Benefit Sum Assured

    Investment of Funds:
    Choice of investing premiums in one of the four types of investment funds available. Four Types of Fund are Bond, Secured, Balanced & Growth. Each premium paid, after deduction of Premium Allocation Charge, will purchase units of the Fund type chosen.


    G-SEC/govt Guaranteed Securities & Corporate Debt

    Short term Money Market Instruments

    Investment in Listed Equity Shares


    Not less than 60%

    Not more than 40%



    Not less than 45%

    Not more than 85%

    Not more than 40%

    Not less than 15% Not more than 55%


    Not less than 30%

    Not more than 70%

    Not more than 40%

    Not less than 30% Not more than 70%


    Not less than 20%

    Not more than 60%

    Not more than 40%

    Not less than 40% Not more than 80%

    Death Benefit:

    On death Before the Date of Commencement of Risk: An amount equal to the Policyholder's Fund Value shall be payable

    On death After the Date of Commencement of Risk: An amount equal to the higher of Basic Sum Assured or Policyholder's Fund Value shall be payable. Where, Basic Sum Assured is (10* Annualized Premium) or (1.25* Annualized Premium) as per Option Choosen

    Accidental Death: Linked Accident Benefit Rider If this benefit is opted for, an additional amount equal to Accident Benefit Sum Assured is payable on death due to accident, provided the rider is inforce at the time of accident.

    Maturity Benefit :- An Amount equal to Fund Value as on Date of Maturity is payable in a lump sum.

    Guaranteed Additions :- Guaranteed Additions as a percentage of Single Premium will be added in Policy after completion of duration in form of unit.

    End of Policy Year

    Guaranteed Additions











    Optional Benefits:
    1. Linked Accidental Death Benefit Rider

    • Accident Benefit rider Sum Assured cannot exceed the Basic Sum assured Available till Age 70 or Maturity whichever is earlier.
    • Accident Death Benefit Rider can be taken in any year provided the outstanding term is 5 years or Life.
    • Accident Death Benefit Rider will not be available for minors.
    1. Partial Withdrawal
    • Partial Withdrawal Option available from the 6th year
    • In case of Minor Partial withdrawal is available only after the minor reaches 18
    • Partial Withdrawal may be in the form of Fixed amount or in the form of Units
    • Maximum amount of Partial withdrawal


    Percent of Unit Fund

    6th to 10th

    15 %

    11th to 15th

    20 %

    16th to 20th

    25 %

    21st to 25th

    30 %


    • Partial Withdrawal shall be allowed subject to maximum balance is not less than 3 annualized premiums
    • Partial withdrawal Charge is deducted from the Unit funds Value
    • Once partial Withdrawal is exercised then basic sum assured for 2 years is reduced to the extend of withdrawal and after 2 years than the original Sum Assured is restores
    1. Switching
    • Free Switching available for 4 times in a year
    • On Switching the entire fund Value shall be switched to new fund opted
    1. Settlement Option
    • Death Benefits can be taken in Installments for a maximum of 5 years
    • The total units are divided by number of installments
    • Based on NAV on the date of installments, the value is paid to Nominee.