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  • 10 factors which can affect your motor insurance claim

    Buying a motor vehicle is one of the most essential parts of owning a car. It gives you a sense of safety while driving your vehicle. However, if your vehicle gets involved in a mishap, it can drain you emotionally and financially.

    In India, it is compulsory to have third party car insurance but normally, people buy a comprehensive insurance policy because damage to one’s own vehicle can also be a very expensive proposition and it is simply a practical thing to do while getting your vehicle insured every year.

    Most of us think that you can easily get claim if your vehicle is insured. However, in reality, it is not as simple how it looks like. As per IRDAI's new circulation on increased Personal Accident cover with respect to claims, insurance companies will confirm whether there was any fault from the owner-driver in relation to the accident. Therefore, it is important for the owner-driver to be careful while going out for a drive.

    Here are ten reasons why your insurance claims can get rejected:

    == Ideally, the insured should inform the insurance company within 48 hours to 72 hours after your car meets an accident. Failing this, your claim may be rejected.

    == The insurance claim will get rejected if you use your private vehicle as a commercial vehicle.

    == You should always keep a driving license. Failing in keeping so and meeting an accident will not help the insured driver to get any claim. Moreover, you may also get into legal consequences if not carrying a license.

    == The consequential loss after your vehicle meets with an accident are also not covered by the insurance company. Therefore, even if you mention the same, the claim will definitely get rejected.

    == Do not get your car repaired after an accident on our own. Inform the insurance company about it. If you do not settle it first with insurance company in that case your claims can get rejected. Let the insurance agent inspect the damage, estimate the cost of damage and help you get the claim for repair of your damage.

    == Transfer the insurance policy to the new owner in case of selling your vehicle. As the policies are issued in the driver's name, it is a must to transfer it as soon as you sell your vehicle. If you forget to do so, the claim will stand null and void.

    == One must ensure that owner-driver should not be under any influence of the alcohol while driving their car.

    == Customers make a mistake of not covering the installed CNG/LPG kit while buying the policy. Remember in that scenario, your claim is more likely to get rejected whether the damage is caused by installed kit or not.

    == When a person is driving a two-wheeler, s/he must wear a helmet. Failing to do so will not help to get a claim for personal accidental cover.

    == A person suffering from any mental disorder meeting an accident cannot opt for a claim, hence should not drive.