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  • Home Insurance: Check out best home insurance plans in India and what do they cover

    Home is one of the most precious things you build during the course of your life. Many even spend their life-long savings to build a dream home for themselves and their family. It will be devastating if anything were to happen to your home due to any natural calamity or man-made disaster. Measuring the extent of damages entailed by any natural disaster is quite difficult.

    People who are careful in terms of securing their financial future by buying a home insurance policy certainly are in a better position as compared to those who do not have the same. As a responsible citizen, people, especially the ones residing in a disaster-prone area, must protect their home and belongings.

    In India, there are numerous insurance companies offering sufficient policies to cover your home against a natural disaster. Home insurance in India is offered in 3 ways — one is where you can protect only the structure of your home, another is where you can cover only the content of your home, and then there is a comprehensive policy where you can cover both the structure and the content of your home.

    It is important to note that a home insurance policy does not cover the land on which your property stands. Apart from providing cover against natural calamities, a home insurance policy even covers your home against damage due to burglary, fire and allied perils, electrical mechanical breakdown of electrical and robbery. Many insurers even provide cover against the acts of terrorism.

    Here we are taking a look at some of the top home insurance plans and their premium for a sum insured of Rs 50 lakh for the structure of a home and Rs 10 lakh for its content.